Meeting Date:
4/23/2024 - 5:30 PM
Closed Session
3.3 Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code ยง 54956.8)
Strategic Goals:
3. Budget and Finance To be responsible stewards of public funds and maximize the
resources needed to meet our goals, fulfill our priorities, and live up to
our values. 5. Facilities Our facilities will be safe, clean, and well-maintained for learning and
extra-curricular activities with state-of-the-art technology.
File Attachment:
Ellington Elementary School, 5034 N. Clydebank Ave., Covina, California
Former Sierra High School, 1134 S. Barranca Ave., Glendora, California
Mountain View Elementary School, 201 N. Vernon Ave., Azusa, California
Powell Elementary School, 1035 E. Mauna Loa Ave. Azusa, California
Agency negotiator: Latasha D. Jamal, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Negotiating parties: Azusa Unified School District and Neighborhood Homework House
Under negotiation: Instruction to negotiator may concern price and payment related to the potential lease of one of the properties
Budgetary Impact:
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Melissa Vera - Secretary to Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Signed By:
Latasha Jamal - Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Signed By:
Arturo Ortega - Superintendent