Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/8/2024 - 5:30 PM
Category: Curriculum and Instruction
Type: Info
Subject: 12.4 Review of First Quarter Williams Uniform Complaint Report 2024-2025
Strategic Goals:
1. Student Learning
Every student will receive a well-rounded education that meets their diverse needs and ensures their growth, achievement, and success.
5. Facilities
Our facilities will be safe, clean, and well-maintained for learning and extra-curricular activities with state-of-the-art technology.
File Attachment:
First Quarter Williams Uniform Complaint Report 2024-2025.pdf
Rationale: Pursuant to Education Code ยง35186 (Williams Uniform Complaint Procedure) and the Azusa Unified School District Uniform Complaint Procedures AR 1312.4, the Superintendent or designee is responsible for submitting a quarterly report to the County Superintendent and the Governing Board on the nature and resolution of complaints addressing insufficient instructional materials, teacher vacancies and miss-assignments, and emergency or urgent facilities issues.
Budgetary Impact:
Recommendation: It is recommended the Board of Education review information on First Quarter Williams Uniform Complaint Report 2024-2025.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Lisa Allen - Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Signed By:
Norma Carvajal-Camacho - Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Signed By:
Arturo Ortega - Superintendent